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Practice for days when not feeling 100% fit – in 5 parts (Short Course; all levels; FREE Resource)

All of us have days when we are not feeling in peak physical health. At the recovery stage of an illness, or due to poor sleep, headache, tiredness, sore back, uneven digestion -  the reasons can be many.  On such days, we intuitively know not to tire or strain ourselves further. But a restorative asana practice is completely different - its is not the same a ‘doing a little less’ to conserve energy, rather, it is doing a completely different set of things, to build up energy, and to experience deeper rest, than simply lying on the bed. 

Part 1 - This is a recording with detailed demonstrations, instructions and adaptations - the most quiet/ supported set of actions/ positions/ asanas

Part 2 - This is a recording with detailed demonstrations, instructions and adaptations - adaptations and variations of a single idea - seated forward extension.  the actions/ positions/ asanas in this recording i are being presented separately because they are referenced in both Part 1 and Part 3 sequences as 'seated forward extensions with forehead resting'.

Part 3 - This is a recording with detailed demonstrations, instructions and adaptations - a little more active than Part 1, but still very quiet and completely supported.

Part 4 - Follow-along option 1 (without too many detailed demonstrations, instructions and adaptations)

Part 5 - Follow-along option 2 (without too many detailed demonstrations, instructions and adaptations)

This is a FREE Resource. FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment, and without logging in. Click on individual videos to play them.

Tag words: calm fasting fatigue free headache heat hormonal balance indigestion insomnia props Recovery from illness sleep Stress supports therapy tiredness

Included in this course

All of us have days when we are not feeling in peak physical health. At the recovery stage of an illness, or due to poor sleep, headache, tiredness, sore back, uneven digestion –  the reasons can be many.  On such days, we intuitively know not to tire or strain ourselves further.  Even if we venture to exercise, we don’t do as much.  But a restorative asana practice is completely different – its is not the same a ‘doing a little less’ to conserve energy, rather, it is doing a completely different set of things, to build up energy, and to experience deeper rest, than simply lying on the bed. 

This series is recorded in 5 parts.  Parts 1,2, and 3 have detailed demonstrations, instructions and adaptations.  They lead up to Parts 4 and 5, in which we present two options (aka sequences)  for a follow-along practice. Please work with the recording with detailed instructions and demonstrations, before attempting the follow-along sessions. 

Once you are familiar with the practice, you can mix and match the positions/ asanas, and choose to spend more time in those which you find beneficial for your specific condition.

  • Although this is a restorative practice, it is not suitable for serious illness/ injuries/ chronic conditions, for which a much more condition-specific, focussed practice will be required. E.g. – this practice will soothe a sore back, but it is not detailed enough to be suitable for serious back injury.
  • This is a supported practice – we make use of supports/ props.  Household objects like firm blankets/ sheets/ large towels/ firm cushions/ chairs/ tables/ bed may be used for this.
  • Although we have done our best to simplify the actions and positions, and to give detailed explanations, some familiarity with asana practice is desirable if you are doing this practice without supervision.  However, newcomers may safely try most of this practice under guidance.
  • If you are an asana practitioner but not used to working with props, please be especially attentive to the prop arrangements  – a significant part of the efficacy of this practice depends on supporting the body correctly
  • This practice is meant for days when we are not feeling 100% fit, but are also not so ill as to need complete rest.  If the body needs complete rest, even a restorative practice is not advised.