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Asana Practice to heal and strengthen injured weak knees (FREE Resource)

Our modern lifestyles make some joints of our body particularly susceptible to wear and tear. The knee is one such joint. Weak knees mean restricted activities, and often to lead to arthritis and even surgery. Asanas offer a wide scheme of actions, to heal injured knees, and to strengthen weak knees.
The session in this Playlist offers an overview of both of these aspects. Especially the first part of the session is safe to do for people going through an aggravated knee condition.
The q and a's offer interesting perspectives on how asanas are adapted to protect knees.

If you have no weakness in the knee but are looking to gain better understanding of the mechanisms of its working, or to strengthen your knees, you may look at the other sessions that focus on Knee health in our 'Short Course' section of our portal.

Free Resources are available to everyone without payment and without having to log in.  Click on the videos to start playing them.

Tag words: free knee health knee injury knees props support therapy

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