Program Features: Special Focus Classes – 1 min Video
We are fortunate to have been able to attract a healthy mix of students - old and young, those who already have a strong physical practice (runners/ professional athletes etc.), and those who are not so 'fit' (sedentary desk workers, women re-starting after a delivery, recovering from an illness or injury). We are grateful to the teachings of this tradition that we know enough to be able to provide a relevant learning to most of them.In a group, there are always people with weak backs, injured knees, strained shoulders. As long as the ailment is minor, there is always an adaptation that is not just do-able, but beneficial for their condition. Of course some of this falls under the ambit of ‘therapy’, but much of it is simple adjustments that can be done in class. Definitely this is best learnt in an in-person class. But all of us go through aches, pains and situations sometime or the other in our lives (tiredness, a strained back, women who are menstruating). There are 4 special-focus sessions in this Online Program - for the back, the knee, for shoulders, and for women during the days of menstruation. We hope this gives the practitioner an insight into the infinite adaptability of Iyengar Yoga. Online Program The First 24 Classes: An Introduction to Iyengar Yoga - is now available for rental through our website.