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Course Level: Intermediate

Supta Virasana as Preparation for Advanced Back Arches – Kapotasana, Eka pada rajakapotasana

399.00 for 1 month

This session is an advanced progression from supta virasana, leading towards some of the intermediate to advanced back arches like kapotasana.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 80mins

Props needed: couple of bolsters, blankets, a couple of sturdy chairs, any raised platform like a chair


Tag words: 80mins ankles arms back arches backbends belts bolsters cervical health cervical spondylosis chairs energising golf inversions neck health parsva sarvangasana purvottanasana sciatica shoulder health standing asanas supta padangusthasana I supta virasana tennis trianga mukhaikapada  paschimottanasana virabhadrasana I

The virasana leg position, when combined with a supine state, has many physiological benefits – on the digestive, reproductive systems, in addition to working on the shins, knees, front and back thighs, and hips.  This session is an advanced progression from supta virasana, leading towards some of the intermediate to advanced back arches like kapotasana.

those with knee injury are advised caution in approaching full knee flexion like the virasana leg position.  This is a preparation for intermediate/ advanced back arches – those with back injury are advised caution. It is recommended that women during menstruation do not practice inversions