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Course Level: Intermediate

Twisting Actions Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part2: Open, Closed, Supine and Inverted

599.00 for 1 month

Building up on the first part of this two-part series, This session explores the next level of complexity in twisting - introducing the concepts of open and closed twists, also twists in supine and inverted positions. The session ends with breath-work in supine positions

Level: Intermediate
Duration: 150min.
Props needed: chair, block, blankets, bolsters ( preferably 2 bolsters) belt, access to wall.

This session is part of the Twisting Actions Short Course (Weekend Intensive).

Tag words: 150mins adho mukha vrksasana arms handstand headstand inversions marichyasana III parivrtta eka pada sirsasana parivrtta parsva konasana parsva halasana parsva konasana pasasana pincha mayurasana props salamba sirsasana I shoulders sirsasana spine sports supported supta padangusthasana III twists

This session includes inversions.  Inversions might not be suitable in some cases, and should always be done after adequate preparation.
Twisting actions can be done all along the length of the back (the spine).   Some twists involve strong abdominal action, and are therefore not suitable in case of any abdominal tenderness, surgery etc. and for women during menstruation.