Vasisthasana Part I: Preparing Shoulders and Arms
Use of props makes many asanas - especially intermediate and advanced level asanas - accessible to practitioners who might otherwise not be able to approach these asanas at all. They also make the therapeutic benefits of many of these asanas available to those who are most in need of them. However, in many cases, an asana done with the aid of props, feels quite different from an independently done asana. Also, in many cases, practicing an asana with the aid of props does not automatically develop the skills for practicing the independent asana. In this first part of vasisthasana session, we prepare the shoulders and arms. This session is also suitable for understanding the use of arms and shoulders in any asana or activity involving weight bearing.
Level:Exp. Beginners, Intermediate
Duration: 60 mins.
Props needed: 1chair, 2-3 blankets, blocks, one belt, access to a wall
Tag words: 65mins elbows hips shoulders vasisthasana wrists
Use of props makes many asanas – especially intermediate and advanced level asanas – accessible to practitioners who might otherwise not be able to approach these asanas at all. They also make the therapeutic benefits of many of these asanas available to those who are most in need of them. However, in many cases, an asana done with the aid of props, feels quite different from an independently done asana. Also, in many cases, practicing an asana with the aid of props does not automatically develop the skills for practicing the independent asana. In this first part of vasisthasana session, we prepare the shoulders and arms. This session is also suitable for understanding the use of arms and shoulders in any asana or activity involving weight bearing.
Those with weakness/ injuries in wrists, elbows, shoulders are advised to first work on strengthening these joints before attempting these joints before loading them. Cues are provided in this session for modifications. We also recommend the wrists and elbow series of recorded sessions in our library.