Emotional stability practice from Light on Life; pt2of3
The second segment of this Short Course is a combination of supported backward extensions and inversions. Contains details of prop arrangement, adaptations, brief descriptions of getting into and releasing the positions. Cues to on maintain focus on ‘the lines of extension and expansion’ as detailed in the publishes sequence.
Level: Intermediate
Duration:85 min.
Props needed: This is a prop-intensive session, chair, firm blankets/ bolster, blocks, optional - a hook or an anchor around which the strap can be looped.
This recording is part of the Short Course Emotional Stability Practice from Light on Life (Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate, Gentle). Includes FREE short practice session
Tag words: 90mins anxiety back arches backbends backward extensions emotional stability inversions prescriptive practice prop use quiet restful restorative Stress supported
– positions with complex prop arrangement are more nuanced than they might appear to be. If you are not used to working with props, or if you have not attempted these asanas with these prop arrangements, please be attentive to the instructions.
– all this short course is categorised as Intermediate/ Experienced Beginner/ Gentle, some of the asanas in this practice might not be suitable for everyone. Pl. be sensitive tto your own condition, and to your level of practice, and skip ahead if finding difficulty with a particular asana.
You may also choose the much simpler practice A Shorter Practice for Emotional Stability – Adapted from Sequence in Light on Life (FREE Resource)
Light on Life, published 2005, contains the wisdom of 70 years of Guru BKS Iyengar’s practice of Yoga. This practice for emotional stability, is the only asana-specific segment in this book. The position sketches, with very brief notes, comes at the end of the book. In Mr. Iyengar’s words, “The following asanas will help you to develop emotional stability. When the given sequence is followed, they relax a person totally. The arrows show the right direction to extend and expand in the asana. ..”
The recorded sessions in this Short Course do not attempt to teach the basic asanas from where these supported positions have been derived (you will find those asanas explained in other recorded sessions). The positions are shown with prop-arrangements almost identical to those in the published sequence, and we go into the details of the prop arrangements. We also suggest adaptations for a home practice where all the props might not be available. The verbal cues direct the practioner’s focus to the ‘line of extension and expansion” mentioned earlier by Mr Iyengar, to derive maximum benefit from this practice.
The entire sequence has been broken down into 3 three parts. We have created a consolidated a follow-along session as a 4th part. A simpler suggested sequence for experienced beginners, for a shorter practice, and with fewer props comes FREE with this Series. We recommend that you do the sessions in the order in which they have been listed.
- “Asanas 1 to 3 completed in sequence of asanas calms the mind and cools the brain
- Asanas 4 to 10 balance the intelligence of the head (intellectual center) and the intelligence of the heart ( emotional center)
- Asanas 11 and 12 stimulate the brain for positive thinking
- Asana 13 brings quietness in the body
- Asana 14 allows you to experience inner silence
- If you do not have enough time, skip asana 14 and go to 15. If time allows, do for 5 to 10 mins.”
– Light on Life, pg. 270