Forward Extensions: Preparing through Dynamic Actions
In the Iyengar tradition, we practice forward extensions (standing or seated) in two very distinct stage: the final stage of the head touching some part of the leg/ floor, is preceded by the intermediate stage of extending the torso not downward, but forward, lengthening the sides of the body, and arching the back - an action referred to as the ‘concave back’ action. This concave back action is not just an intermediate/ preparatory stage, it is a valuable set of actions by itself. In this session, we prepare for this through dynamic movements.
This can be done as a stand alone session, but we recommend that you follow up this session with the following two sessions:
Forward Extensions: the 'Concave Back' Action
Challenging Your Standing Position: Forward Extensions - as a follow-up
Level: Beginners, Experienced Beginners
Duration: 60 mins.
Props needed: yoga strap, a couple of blankets to sit
Tag words: baddhakonasana dynamic favorite forward bends forward extensions janu sirsasana paschimottanasana sun salutations surya namaskara upavistha konasana
In the Iyengar tradition, we practice forward extensions ( standing or seated) in two very distinct stage: the final stage of the head touching some part of the leg/ floor, is preceded by the intermediate stage of extending the torso not downward, but forward, lengthening the sides of the body, and arching the back – an action referred to as the ‘concave back’ action. This concave back action is not just an intermediate/ preparatory stage, it is a valuable set of actions by itself.
Forward extensions are contra-indicated in certain cases of back injury/ weakness. Dynamic actions/ jumpings, surya namskara is also contra-indicated in cases of back injuries/ weaknesses, for women during menstruation, and if feeling weak or unwell due to any reason