Gentle Abdominal Actions Through Forward Extensions

The intelligent use of abdomen in forwards extensions.  the use of supports makes these actions suitable for most people. Level: Gentle, Intermediate, Experienced Beginner Duration: 60mins Tagwords: 60mins, forward extensions, forward bends, abdominal, core, abdomen, womens practice, props, supports,  parsvottanasana, uttanasana, prasarita padottanasana.

Surya Namaskara Part 1: Stepping Between Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana

The sessions in this Short Course and good stand-alone sessions by themselves. This one is good to learn arm actions, to learn the connection of hips to legs, the engagement of the abdominal area, to understand uttanasana, and adhomukha svanasana. In this session we do the first few steps of the surya namaskar multiple times. […]

Dandasana Part2: Taking the L-Shape Upside Down to Connect Arms, Legs, Spine and Abdomen

Dandasana is one of the foundational seated positions. But this seemingly simple position teaches us very important lessons about making connections between the limbs, and the spine and abdomen. In this session, we play with the ‘L’ shape of Dandasana in various orientations – in inversions, and even an arm balance. This session maybe done […]

Principles of Womens’ Practice: Deflating and Elongating the Abdomen (Level Exp. Beginner)

In this session we explore one of the essential principles for efficacy of a woman’s practice: deflating, lifting and elongating the abdomen. This session is part of the Short Course The Principles of Women’s Practice (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner).  We recommend working with the other recordings in the the Short Courses for a complete practice. […]

Exploring Principles of Flexibility through Sama Konasana Preparation Part I

Sama konasana (full sideways splits) is one the popular icons of flexibility.  The obvious focus of this session is to prepare for sama konasana, or to improve upavistha konasana. But the broader focus is to explore the concept of ‘improving flexibility’: the role of strengthening along with stretching, the importance of working on all the […]

Power-packed Forward Extensions – Leading up to Kurmasana

Forward extensions can require strength and stamina, energy and be physically demanding.  They can increase respiratory capacity, strengthen back muscles, and integrate abdominal actions.  This session also has some interesting ‘partnering’ ideas Duration: 75 mins. Props needed: a couple of yoga block, 2-3 firm blankets, any stable chair, access to a wall. Plate weights and […]