Preparing for a Gentle Back Arches Practice: Hips, Knees, Ankles

In addition to supports, the other aspect that determines the safety and efficacy of back arches is adequate and appropriate preparation.  In this session, the hips, knees and ankles are prepared.  While being good back arches preparation, the actions are beneficial also for maintaining the health of these joints. Can be done as a stand-alone […]

Fresh Look at Standing Asanas as Preparation for Back Arches

A novel approach to practicing standing asanas, as we prepare the arms, legs, and the spine for back arches, through a combination of seated and standing asanas. This session is part of the Short Course Intermediate Level Back Arches: Supported and Unsupported. Save by buying the entire Course. Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props […]

Supported Back Arches: Ekapada Viparita Dandasana on Chair

A long-ish hold in supported eka pada vipartia dandasana, after preparing the back for this position. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75min Props needed: a yoga chair, a long strap This recording is part of the Short Course Intermediate Level Back Arches: Supported and Unsupported (Short Course; Level: intermediate)

Deep Dive into Viparita Dandasana with a Chair: Supported Back Arches

Setting up, getting, and getting out of viparita dandasana, using a chair. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 45min Props needed: a yoga chair, a low table, a few cushions/ blankets/ bolsters to support the back of the head in viparatia dandasana This recording is part of the Short Course Intermediate Level Back Arches: Supported and […]

Overview of Back Arches

Often the neck gets strained in backward extensions, as the head is taken back. This series of sessions focusses on initiating the action from the dorsal thoracic area, as well as preparing the neck for the backward tilt. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75min Props needed: a yoga strap, couple of blocks, access to a wall This […]

Launching Back arches from Abdominal Actions

Keeping the abdomen soft while arching back is definitely a challenge. this session attempts to do this through a series of gentle actions that activates the deeper abdominal muscles, and connects the abdomen to the limbs (the arms and the legs). The session ends with supported back arches. Level: Gentle Duration: 70min Props required: a […]

Exploring the Classic Back Arching asana: Urdhva Dhanurasana

Backward extensions are regarded as an ‘advanced’ category of asanas – requiring suppleness and strength in the muscles of the back, and good integration of the arms and the legs with the trunk.  After preparing through simpler supported back arches, this session focusses on various ways of attempting urdhva dhanurasana. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. […]

Finding the Internal Resistance in Arching Back

Back arches are not simply ‘dropping back’. The control comes from an interplay of muscles – those that act, and those that resist.  Intermediate level backward extension actions: finding the ‘resistance’ in the arching, connecting the heel to the buttocks while resisting with the buttocks. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75min Props required: 2 blocks, strap, access […]

Beginner Level Back Arches: Salabhasana, Bhekasana, Ustrasana

This session starts with a preparatory segment to prepare the upper back, shoulder, arms and the neck, and then we practice a set of beginner-level back arches that should be accessible by most people. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 60min. Props required: yoga strap, access to a wall, blocks optional

Simple Back Arches for Upper Back, Shoulders and Neck Relief

Recommended to be done after the session Upper Back, Shoulders and Neck Relief/ Preparing for Back Arches. Like the above session, this is also a multi-utility session: shoulder/ upper back/ neck focus for  – for sportspeople, deskworkers, those who experience stiffness in these areas, and those preparing for inverted asanas like sirsasana. While the previous […]