Breathing Within a Container (audio)

‘breath explorations’ are preparatory actions for pranayama. while such explorations can be done in all asana positions, some are more conducive – allowing for longer stays with stillness and stability, with no mental strain. we usually do them in supported supine positions. the set-up and basic instructions of many such positions are available in the […]

Dandasana Part2: Taking the L-Shape Upside Down to Connect Arms, Legs, Spine and Abdomen

Dandasana is one of the foundational seated positions. But this seemingly simple position teaches us very important lessons about making connections between the limbs, and the spine and abdomen. In this session, we play with the ‘L’ shape of Dandasana in various orientations – in inversions, and even an arm balance. This session maybe done […]

Forward Extensions from Standing to Seated

Approaching forward extensions through standing Asanas. The muscles of the hips and the waist are prepared for a strong foundation for the forward extensions practice In this session, the preparation is allowed to influence the extent of forward extension without undue struggle.

What is Mindful Asana Practice?

This session attempts to give a real experience of ‘mindfulness’, ‘awareness’, and ‘breath’, in asana practice. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60 mins. Props needed: any sturdy chair, a couple of blanket, yoga blocks

Use of Chair in Asana Practice: the ‘Sides’ of the Body

Many important organs – the lungs, digestive organs – exist as much on the sides of the body, as they do towards the ‘middle’, or the ‘front’ or the ‘back’;  The chair can be  useful in helping us to identify and experience these exciting category of ‘lateral asanas. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. […]

108 Surya Namaskara – Practice Along – FREE Resource

A recording of 108 Surya Namaskars done by the Practice Room student community on the occassion of Guru Purnima, 2020. Different people lead different segments of this compilation, giving each part their own distinctive flavour. This is a zoom recording and the audio and video quality is not very good. Still a good resource for […]

Increasing Mobility and Stability Challenge for the Ankles – Part2

This session is a progression from the previous two sessions. There is re-inforcement of actions done in the previous session, and introduction of higher levels of complexity or subtlety. It works on the ankle joint through a series of asanas. Blocks are used to challenge the balance and the stability at the ankles, and also […]

Eka Pada Actions: Culminating the Leap towards Hanumanasana

Eka pada (lit. one-leg)actions teach us to observe and balance two perspective – seemingly opposites of each other. In this session we explore the front and back legs scissoring away from each other as it plays out in back arches. Duration: 85 mins. Level: Intermediate Props needed: a stack of firm blankets or a bolster, […]

Forward Extensions: Preparing through Dynamic Actions

In the Iyengar tradition, we practice forward extensions (standing or seated) in two very distinct stage: the final stage of the head touching some part of the leg/ floor, is preceded by the intermediate stage of extending the torso not downward, but forward, lengthening the sides of the body, and arching the back – an […]