Supporting the Back through Arm and Leg Actions – A Gentle, Supported Practice

A series of quiet asanas in seated, standing, and supine positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk.  We focus on broadening/ spreading actions at the lower limbs (legs), and the upper limbs (arms).  This activates the upper and the lower back, while ensuring there is no narrowing/ pinching Although this can […]

Abdominal Toning in Asanas Part4: A Follow-along Session for Intermediate Level

This is a follow-along sessions with minimal instructions.  This class is a culmination of this Short Course, and requires familiarity with the previous sessions. Level: Intermediate Duration: 60min Props needed: chair and a stack of blankets/ bolster to set up chair sarvangasana, an addl. chair for ardha halasana, 2 blocks, a yoga strap This recording […]

Seated Forward Extensions: Supported Positions for a Quiet Practice

In this final session of the Short Course on seated forward extensions, we practice these asanas with support.  Such a practice is emotionally quietening, cooling (and therefore recommended for hot days), can relieve headaches, and is part of the practice for high blood pressure, and womens’ menstrual practice.  The use of supports makes especially makes […]

Knee Health: Creating ‘Space’ at the Joint

The subjective experience of ‘Space’ at the knee joint. Creating and maintaining that space in extended and flexed leg positions to protect the cartilage and ligaments. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 90 min; Props needed: couple of yoga blocks, a few firm blankets, a couple of yoga straps or any long piece of cloth, a […]

Short Course #1 for Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course; level: Intermediate)

This Short Course on Knee awareness neatly breaks down the information packets: alignment, creating space, activating the surrounding tissue: thighs, hips and calves, dynamic weight shifts, progressive loading of the knee, going beyond flexion and extension to internal and external rotations This structure makes it easier to understand the breadth of actions in which the […]

Bringing Further Movement to the Groins

While groin injuries are common in sportspeople, runners and bicyclers, most of us live with chronically ‘tight’ groins.  The second session of this Short Course continues to explore the involvement of the groins in  standing and seated asanas.  The inner thigh area (the adductor group of muscles and the surrounding connective tissue) is stretched farther […]