Abdominal Toning in Asanas Part4: A Follow-along Session for Intermediate Level
This is a follow-along sessions with minimal instructions. This class is a culmination of this Short Course, and requires familiarity with the previous sessions.
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 60min
Props needed: chair and a stack of blankets/ bolster to set up chair sarvangasana, an addl. chair for ardha halasana, 2 blocks, a yoga strap
This recording is part of the Short Course A Woman's Practice: Gentle and Progressive Abdominal Toning Especially Useful for Post Natal/ Post Menstrual Times (Course Level: Intermediate)
Tag words: 60mins abdominals ardha chandrasana belts bharadvajasana chair sarvangasana core favorite janu sirsasana navasana parivrtta trikonasana post menstrual post natal props salamba sirsasana I sirsasana support supta virasana utkatasana uttanasana virabhadrasana III womens practice
This is a follow-along sessions with minimal instructions. This class is a culmination of this Short Course, and requires familiarity with the previous sessions. Without awareness of the actions introduced in the previous sessions, this is only a ‘general class’. However, when done with awareness of the focal regions, and the actions introduced and explored in detail in the previous sessions, this is the culmination of deep and quiet abdominal work.