Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core: from Dynamic Movements to Steady Holds

Learning to use muscles of the abdominal area:progression from the previous session: from dynamic action, we move to stable holds. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props: belt, blocks, blanket, and chair This session is part of the following Short Courses: Short Course #2 for Abdomen: Moving the Limbs from a Stable Centre (Short Course; […]

Launching Back arches from Abdominal Actions

Keeping the abdomen soft while arching back is definitely a challenge. this session attempts to do this through a series of gentle actions that activates the deeper abdominal muscles, and connects the abdomen to the limbs (the arms and the legs). The session ends with supported back arches. Level: Gentle Duration: 70min Props required: a […]

Introduction to Supta Baddhakonansana

Building up on the active work done in rolling the thighs out, we continue to one of the most accessible restorative positions: supta baddhakonasana, including the use of simple ‘props’ to support this position. This is one of the essential positions that women should know for reproductive health. Breath studies (progressing to pranayama) are often […]

Deep Dive into Baddhakonasana and Supta Baddhakonasana: for Physiological and Emotional Benefits (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)

External and internal rotation of the thigh bone is crucial for maintaining hip mobility.  In addition, both baddhakonasana and  supta baddhakonasana have great therapeutic potential since they create ‘space’ in the lower abdominal pelvic area.  Think of all the organs that exist there, and the functions that they control (digestive, reproductive, urinary, hormonal centres) and the roles […]