Standing to Back Arches Short Course (Weekend Intensive; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Part1: The first day of this Weekend Intensive is a Standing Asana Intensive in itself! This session can be done as a stand-alone session. It ends with basic back arches with the preparation of the previous segment of standing asanas.
Part2: Back arches are introduced as a continuation of the standing asanas. We spend time on standing asanas in the second day as well, sharpening and refining the actions, and moving the focus to the upper back. The session ends with seated breath-work.
Tagwords: standing, back arches, backward extension, ankles, feet, dorsal thoracic, upper back, shoulders,utthita hasta padangusthasana, urdhva prasarita ekapadasana, bhekasana, malasana, , purvottanasana, bhekasana, dhanurasana, parsva dhanurasana
The weekend Intensives are usually a set of two long-duration sessions. We usually conduct them over two consecutive days. The first day is a preparation for the second day. The second day reinforces what was learnt on first day, and its build up from it. While we recommend the first day for all levels (beginners might find the classes a little challenging), the second day is meant for the intermediate level practitioner.
It includes inversions, the more advanced forms of twisting/ back arches and forward extensions. The last half hour is usually spent on breath-work/ pranayama.