Long Holds in Supported Positions

Holding an asana for a long period of time lets the effect of the asana ‘seep’ in. Supported positions that make possible long holds are one of the boons of the methodology developed by shri BKS Iyengar. They calm the nervous system, and are conducive for a meditative and breath-centric practice. This sequences is also […]
Exploration of Breath in Different Supported Asana Positions

The concept of the Prana is difficult to understand and even more difficult to explain. What can be said with certainty is that: the breath can be used as a starting point to understand the rhythm of the Prana, and that Asanas are like a laboratory that provide opportunities for breath to be express naturally […]
Pranayama/ Breath-focussed class: Alternating Actions during Inhalation and Exhalation

Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Inversions, Restful Asanas and Pranayama

Long stays in restful/ quiet asanas, a regular practice of inverted (upside down) asanas, and a gradual introduction to the powerful practices of pranayama, are characteristics of Iyengar Yoga. Here, we look at how the chair can be used in a variety of ways, especially in combination with other props like blankets, bolsters and belts, […]
Relief from Abdominal Heaviness after Feasting (Level Experienced Beginner/ Gentle)

A sequence to relieve abdominal heaviness/sluggishness, this is a mix of active and passive positions. All positions are supine and supported level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle Duration: 45 min This recording is part of the following Short Courses: Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than ‘Core’ (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner) and, Short Course #1 for Abdomen […]
Cross Bolster Magic: a Follow-along Finale

This is the finale of the magic we have been making with two bolsters – stringing together the supported back arches and inversions from the previous sessions for a deeply restorative class. This session goes directly into the asanas supported by the two bolsters, without too many instructions. We strongly recommend that you work with […]
Supine Exploration of Internal Spaces: An Audio Pranayama Class (FREE Resource)

An Audio-only pranyama class. the set-up and basic instructions of these positions are available in the following playlist: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6981039 FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.
Resting the Head: Restful Practice Based on Supported Forward Extensions (FREE Resource)

A short restorative practice that leverages the quietening effect of forward extensions. Not specifically for respiratory health, this is a general restful practice session suitable for beginners, as well as for those with physical limitations, those recovering from an illness, and the aged. Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for […]
Moving from Symmetry to Asymmetry – A Gentle Practice

We use the grounded equilibrium of supta tadasana to initiate this session. We start to move our arms and legs one by one from this perfectly symmetrical position, and move on to a series of quiet asanas in seated, standing, and supine positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk. We focus […]
Covid-19 Recovery: A suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee, Part2 – Seated

This second session of this series covers supported seated positions. Short Course Covid19 Recovery: A Suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee. Level: Experienced beginners, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 50min. Props needed: This is a prop-intensive session, chair, firm blankets/ bolster, blocks. Household objects may easily be used as props in this session: a […]