Respiratory Health (Short Course; suitable for newcomers) (FREE Resource)

Set of bite-sized video tutorials to improve respiration in case of respiratory distress. Such distress can be due to chronic conditions like asthma. This positions have also been found to be extremely beneficial in cases of Covid at the recovery stage, and when symptoms are mild. These videos are suitable for newcomers with not much […]

Asana Practice to heal and strengthen injured weak knees (FREE Resource)

Our modern lifestyles make some joints of our body particularly susceptible to wear and tear. The knee is one such joint. Weak knees mean restricted activities, and often to lead to arthritis and even surgery. Asanas offer a wide scheme of actions, to heal injured knees, and to strengthen weak knees. The session in this […]

Short Course #1 for Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course; level: Gentle)

This Short Course on Knee awareness neatly breaks down the information packets: alignment, creating space, activating the surrounding tissue: thighs, hips and calves.  The Gentle Level Short Course does not go into the more challenging dynamic weight shifts, progressive loading of the knee, and internal and external rotations This structure makes it easier to understand […]

Increasing Mobility and Stability Challenge for the Ankles – Part2

This session is a progression from the previous two sessions. There is re-inforcement of actions done in the previous session, and introduction of higher levels of complexity or subtlety. It works on the ankle joint through a series of asanas. Blocks are used to challenge the balance and the stability at the ankles, and also […]

Eka Pada Actions: Culminating the Leap towards Hanumanasana

Eka pada (lit. one-leg)actions teach us to observe and balance two perspective – seemingly opposites of each other. In this session we explore the front and back legs scissoring away from each other as it plays out in back arches. Duration: 85 mins. Level: Intermediate Props needed: a stack of firm blankets or a bolster, […]

Brisk and Supported – A Gentle Way to Practice Back Arches

A brisk and energetic session of supported back arches.  Can be done by itself, but we recommend this  after th preparation (of the previous session in this Short Course. Can be done as a stand-alone session, we recommend doing the session Preparing for a Gentle Back Arches Practice: Hips, Knees, Ankles as a preparation. Level: […]

Forward Extensions: Preparing through Dynamic Actions

In the Iyengar tradition, we practice forward extensions (standing or seated) in two very distinct stage: the final stage of the head touching some part of the leg/ floor, is preceded by the intermediate stage of extending the torso not downward, but forward, lengthening the sides of the body, and arching the back – an […]

Practice for the Days of Menstruation (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)

The Part I and Part II of this short course have detailed instructions, demonstrations, as well as enough time to stay in each asana.  They are in separate recordings only for the sake of convenience – since not all practitioners might be able to do a long session.  However, once familiar with the detailed instructions, […]

Practice for the Days of Menstruation (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)

The Part I and Part II of this short course have detailed instructions, demonstrations, as well as enough time to stay in each asana.  They are in separate recordings only for the sake of convenience – since not all practitioners might be able to do a long session.  However, once familiar with the detailed instructions, […]