The Principles of Women’s Practice (Short Course; Level Intermediate)

The basic principles to be followed in a woman’s asana practice for reproductive/ endocrine health remain the same at all stages of life. The menstrual practice, the practice during peri-menopause, practice for menstrual irregularities and dysfunctions, and even pregnancy, have to follow these principles to be efficacious. Part 1 -Working with a Soft Abdomen Part […]

Practice for days when not feeling 100% fit – Part 3 (FREE Resource)

All of us have days when we are not feeling in peak physical health. At the recovery stage of an illness, or due to poor sleep, headache, tiredness, sore back, uneven digestion –  the reasons can be many.  On such days, we intuitively know not to tire or strain ourselves further. But a restorative asana […]

Practice for days when not feeling 100% fit – Part 2 (FREE Resource)

All of us have days when we are not feeling in peak physical health. At the recovery stage of an illness, or due to poor sleep, headache, tiredness, sore back, uneven digestion –  the reasons can be many.  On such days, we intuitively know not to tire or strain ourselves further. But a restorative asana […]

Practice for days when not feeling 100% fit – Part 1 (FREE Resource)

All of us have days when we are not feeling in peak physical health. At the recovery stage of an illness, or due to poor sleep, headache, tiredness, sore back, uneven digestion –  the reasons can be many.  On such days, we intuitively know not to tire or strain ourselves further. But a restorative asana […]

Asana Practice for Extreme Fatigue (FREE Resource)

Unlike most other recordings on this portal, this is a real-time (minimal edits), follow-along session with almost no instructions.  I am sharing a practice that I have personally found very useful.  Please note, that this is not a prescriptive sequence. This is also not a beginner-level practice.  If you want to learn the asanas in this […]

Exploring Principles of Flexibility through Sama Konasana Preparation Part I

Sama konasana (full sideways splits) is one the popular icons of flexibility.  The obvious focus of this session is to prepare for sama konasana, or to improve upavistha konasana. But the broader focus is to explore the concept of ‘improving flexibility’: the role of strengthening along with stretching, the importance of working on all the […]

Wrists and Elbows: Healing and Therapeutic Actions Part II

We recorded the ‘Wrists and Elbows: Healing and Therapeutic Actions’  sessions in response to a request for simple and short sessions that will start to heal and strengthen these joints.  Unlike our regular asana classes, the the actions in these sessions have been broken down to focus only on the shoulder/ elbow/ wrist areas, with […]

Wrists and Elbows: Healing and Therapeutic Actions Part III

We recorded the ‘Wrists and Elbows: Healing and Therapeutic Actions’  sessions in response to a request for simple and short sessions that will start to heal and strengthen these joints.  Unlike our regular asana classes, the the actions in these sessions have been broken down to focus only on the shoulder/ elbow/ wrist areas, with […]