Week7 Class#1

Sideways Leg and Back Arch – revise standing asanas with arms spread to sides – reinforce ardha chandrasana – understand connection to supta padnagusthasana2 – explanation of why we hold the sideways foot off the floor in supta padangusthasana2 – introduce urdhva mukha svanasana    

Week6 Class#2

revision of standing asanas done so far – urdhva hasta tadasana to utkatasana to malasana repeats – only if there are no knee weakness/ injuries – weight shift to arms in prasarita padottanasana – introducing ardha chandrasana – short talk on dealing with addictions at the end    

Week6 Class#1

– significance of maintaining consistency – arm positions revision – Virabhadrasana1 final position and deeper exploration – Adho mukha (downward facing) restful positions – in Swastikasana and Virasana    

Week5 Class#2 Shoulder Mobility and Stability

New Arms Movements – intro to new arm actions – paschima baddha hasta, gomukha, urdhva namaskara – explanation of shoulder action vs shoulder blade action and why we need to differentiate – weight bearing through the arms and shoulders – use of chair for adhomukha svanasana, chaturanga dandasana preparations    

Week5 Class#1

Resting the Head in Easy Forward Fold – Invocation together – standing asanas revision with feet on back edge of mat – intro to simple atmanjali mudra (namaskara mudra) – intro uttanasana concave back – explanation of adhomukha virasana as a restorative position    

Week4 Class#2

Extending and Flexing the Back Explanation of importance of speech and health in the context of the opening invocation to Patanjali. – standing Asanas at the front edge of the mat – intro to back arches through chatuspadasana – intro to seated forward extensions through janu sirsasana concave back    

Week4 Class#1

Elements of Quietness and Pelvic Health Head placement in supine positions, Detailing upavistakonasana and baddhakonasana and their importance in maintaining health of the pelvic organs    

Week3 Class#2

Bending the Extended Legs Developing the internal sense of alignment, detail supta padangusthasana1, intro vimanansana, intro utkatasana    

Week3 Class#1

Intro on Patanjali, codification of yoga, why we say the invocation detail dandasana, intro upavistakonasana    

Week2 Class#2

Explanation of why OM in the beginning detailing arches of the feet revision of asanas from previous classes virasana feet positions intro adhomukha svanasana intro ardha uttanasana simple seated positions simple seated adho mukha position