Fixing Arms in Place for Anantasana and Vasisthasana Adaptations

Often, there is more focus on moving the arms, pushing or pulling with the arms. This session explores the hidden power in fixing the arms in place – this stabilises the shoulders and indeed, the entire upper back – in standing asanas, and works up towards bearing weight on the shoulders and arms. Level: Experienced […]

Constructing and De-constructing Surya Namaskara (Short Course, Level Exp. Beginners)

The first 3 sessions  of this Short Course break down the twelve steps of Surya namaskar, and then put them together again.  The 2 other recordings are FREE Resources. You will find 3 Short Courses for Surya Namaskar in our recorded classes library.  These are for the 3 levels – Experienced Beginners, Intermediate and Gentle Levels.  You are […]

‘Side’ Body Explorations Part1: Parighasana, Trikonasana, Vasisthasana

In the asana vocabulary, there are many positions and actions that take awareness to the side body. This starts with the simplest of actions – raising the arms overhead or sideways, and then extends to the simplest asanas taught to beginners – the lateral standing asanas. This lead towards vasistasana. There is some disturbance in […]

Short Burst of ‘Side’ Body Exploration

A short duration practice-along class which is a recap of the previous 2 classes involving the side body with standing and balancing asanas. may be done stand-alone as a dynamic, energising practice if one is familiar with the asanas. Level: Experienced Beginner Duration: 40 min. This recording is part of the Short Course Not Front, […]

Surya Namaskara Part 1: Stepping Between Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana

The sessions in this Short Course and good stand-alone sessions by themselves. This one is good to learn arm actions, to learn the connection of hips to legs, the engagement of the abdominal area, to understand uttanasana, and adhomukha svanasana. In this session we do the first few steps of the surya namaskar multiple times. […]

Surya Namaskara Part 2 for Experienced Beginners: Weight Bearing on Hands

This second part of the Short Course introduces weight bearing on the arms, as we prepare for chaturanga dandasana, and jump-throughs. This session is part of the Short Course Constructing and De-constructing Surya Namaskara (Short Course, Level Exp. Beginners). Level: Experienced Beginners, Beginner Duration: 60mins This session is part of the Short Course Constructing and […]

Surya Namaskar Part 3 for Experienced Beginners: The Back arches and Alternatives

The sessions in this Short Course and good stand-alone sessions by themselves. This session explores the back-arch of Sun Salutation: urdhvamukha svanasana. In this session we do the full cycle of surya namaskar multiple times. Level: Experienced Beginners, Beginners Duration: 45mins Props needed: yoga strap, access to a wall, props like blocks are optional This […]

Simple Back Arches for Upper Back, Shoulders and Neck Relief

Recommended to be done after the session Upper Back, Shoulders and Neck Relief/ Preparing for Back Arches. Like the above session, this is also a multi-utility session: shoulder/ upper back/ neck focus for  – for sportspeople, deskworkers, those who experience stiffness in these areas, and those preparing for inverted asanas like sirsasana. While the previous […]

A Woman’s Practice: Gentle and Progressive Abdominal Toning Useful for Post-natal/ Post-menstrual Times (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)

This short Course on abdominal toning is useful for everyone, but is especially useful for women during post-partum phase. The sessions in this Course are indicative rather than prescriptive.   It is not recommended to start an asana practice immediately after child birth.  A few weeks gap in case of a vaginal delivery, and even longer in case […]