Arm Extensions that Lead to Success in Forward Bends
This session starts with a lot of arm-work – first done in isolation; and then incorporated in standing asanas. This gets us ready to attempt forward extending positions. Although this session can be done as a stand-alone session, we recommend that you do it along with the session Varied Arm Actions that Lead to Success […]
Standing and Inverting to Complement Back Arches
This is an intermediate level class that involves energising backward extensions. In this session, back arches are interspersed with standing and upside-down positions that complement the backward-arching actions. Level: Intermediate Duration: 80 mins. Props required: a sturdy chair, a couple of blocks, one strap, stack of blankets for sarvangasana, halasana
How to Approach Stiffness in Hips
Stiff/ ‘tight’ hips, are connected to lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc. and therefore do not realise the importance of flexibility in hips. Once stiffness has set in, re-gaining flexibility might feel like an impossible feat. But it can be done through consistent effort. This […]
Simple Practice for Immunity Enhancing
A combination of active asanas, is followed by supported positions that are to be held at least for a few minutes each. While the asanas in this session are not complex, for the longer stay in some of these asanas to be effective, some familiarity with these asanas is required. Level: Experienced Beginners Duration: […]
Training Legs for Standing
In this session, we look at some of the common standing postures that may lead to imbalances, and how to correct them. Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner Duration: 60 mins. Props needed: yoga strap, a couple of firm blankets, access to a wall
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: the ‘Sides’ of the Body
Many important organs – the lungs, digestive organs – exist as much on the sides of the body, as they do towards the ‘middle’, or the ‘front’ or the ‘back’; The chair can be useful in helping us to identify and experience these exciting category of ‘lateral asanas. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. […]
Prone position #1 for Resting and Recovery after Covid (FREE Resource)
a short video tutorial of one of the simplest prone positions: a prone savasana (lying flat on the floor on your stomach, with the face down) FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.
Introduction: How to use the Resources for Respiratory Health (FREE Resource)
A short introduction on using these video resources. We strongly recommend that you listen to this recording before working with the videos. FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.
Restful Seated Position – Turning Sideways and Revolving (FREE Resource)
This video tutorial is in continuation of Restful Seated Position – Extending to the Front. The sideways and rotational movements shown here should therefore be attempted only after understanding the concept of ‘extending to the front’. This gently encourages the sides of the lungs to function. Can be done with any two chairs/ a chair […]
Prone position #2 for Resting and Recovery after Covid (FREE Resource)
A short video tutorial of prone position: a second variation of prone savasana with more support. Might be more suitable if you found the first prone savasana (lying flat on the floor on your stomach, with the face down) uncomfortable for the back, or the knees FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and […]