Active Preparation Culminating in Quiet Forward Extensions: Audio Video Hybrid Session

An audio-video hybrid session. The first part of the session prepares for forward extensions through active twists and dorsal thoracic engagement. The second part of the session is in audio mode for a quiet experience of seated forward extensions. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75min Props needed: a long yoga strap, couple of blocks, few firm blankets […]

Padmasana Preparation, Akarna dhanurasana

Preparing for padmasana: ‘warming’ the important joints and increasing movement at the hips, groins and knees. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60mins Props required: belt, blanket, a sturdy chair or a low table, access to a wall We recommend doing this session in combination with Padmasana Preparation: Knee Flexion in Different Positions, or with Padmasana […]

Padmasana Preparation, Akunchan Kriya in Supta Padangusthasana

Deep hip flexions and external rotation as preparation for padmasana. We recommend doing this session in combination with the session Padmasana Preparation, Akarna dhanurasana Level: Intermediate Duration: 75mins Props required: belt, blanket, blocks, a high table, access to a wall

Padmasana Preparation: Knee Flexion in Different Positions

Deep hip flexions and knee flexions as preparation for padmasana. For Experienced Beginners, we recommend doing this session in combination with Padmasana Preparation, Akarna dhanurasana. For Intermediate level practitioners, we recommend doing this session in combination with Padmasana Preparation, Akunchan Kriya in Padangusthasana Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60mins Props required: belt, blanket, blocks, access […]

Respiratory Health, Part1: the Principles, Basic Prone Positions

This first session is meant for understanding the principles behind the ‘Respiratory Health’ practice.  The first part of this session is not a therapy session, and is not meant for those who are going through respiratory discomfort. The second segment of the session (starting 36th minute) goes into positions and actions that specifically benefit in […]

Prone Position Tutorial: Adhomukha virasana – supported and elevated (FREE Resource)

A short excerpt from the respiratory health series: a fully supported prone position that is suitable to do during respiratory illness even by newcomers with no experience of yoga. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 10min Props needed: This is a fully supported positions.  Household objects like pillows. blankets, and furniture like chairs, table, bed […]