Seated Forward Extensions – ‘Resting’ the Forehead (Experienced Beginner Level)

399.00 for 1 month

The quietening effect of forward extensions is due in part,  to the restful condition of the forehead/ frontal brain.  However, this area can be brought to rest under quiet different circumstances.  This session starts with preparation of the limbs, and also some time experimenting with what it means to ‘rest’ the forehead.

Level: Experienced Beginners

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, forward extensions, forwards bends, janu sirsasana, triangamukha eka pada paschimottanasana, ardha padma aschimottanasana, adhomukha upavistakonasana, parsva adhomukha upavistakonasana



Use your discretion in deciding how deep you want to go into the forward folds.  The quietening effect of forward extensions is due in part,  to the restful condition of the forehead/ frontal brain.  However, this area can be brought to rest under quiet different circumstances.  the final positions of these seated forward extensions, done without any supports/ props, involves strong abdominal, leg, spine and arm actions.  This are intensely introverting positions.  For conditions like  headache, high blood pressure, women during menstruation, a much more supported version of seated forward extensions is recommended.  Also, the final positions might not be appropriate for those with back weakness/ injuries.

This session starts with preparation of the limbs, and also some time experimenting with what it means to ‘rest’ the forehead.