Knee Health: Further Diagnostics, and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asanas

399.00 for 1 month

More ways to diagnose health of knees, and Using Yoga Asanas to strengthen knees while preventing knee pain

This session is part of the Short Course Knee Health: Simple Diagnostics and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asana Practice (Course Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner). Save by renting the entire Course.

Duration: 60min

Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Gentle

Tagwords: 60min, knee, knee health, knee injury, standing, seated, Tadasana, Virabhadrasana2, Virabhadrasana1, Supta padangusthasana1, Upavistakonasana, Vrksasana



Often people commence an Asana practice with the expectation that the condition of their knees will improve through Asanas.  While it is important to rest knees (or indeed any other part of the body) that has been through recent trauma, the healing work has to start with getting back on the legs and re-learning how to use the knees.  Often knee pain comes back as soon as knees are bent – even in Asana positions and there might be a sense of disappointment.  Some basic understanding and diagnosis of ones own knee is essential to improve the health of the knee.

This session builds upon the previous sessions to suggest some more adjustments that benefit the knee, and also improve the overall health of the legs.

The principles discussed in this session build upon the previous sessions of the series, and will be clear to anyone who has gone through the earlier sessions.  It is suitable even for beginners as we continue to work only with a simple standing and supine Asanas – Tadasana, Virabhadrasana2, Virabhadrasana1, Supta padangusthasana1. Knee adjustments in seated Asanas is introduced.