Questions and Answers

This is an asana-specific question about foot slipping down the wall/ not able to press firmly into the wall in asanas like utthita hasta padangusthasana

My upper arm started shaking when i attempted to hold the block between the elbows

This is a asana-specific question that touches on the wider topic of prop use: when to use and  when not to use.  

This is an asana-specific question about a common problem area in virabhadrasana I: pinching/ strain in the lower back

This is an asana-specific question about the position of the chest in prasarita padottanasana

This is an asana-specific question about discomfort in gomukhasana

This is an asana-specific question about staying longer in Sirsasana (headstand), and some thoughts on learning headstand through online classes

This is an asana-specific question about adhomukha svanasana: if it feels uncomfortable to take the head down or to keep the head hanging, can I always keep my head supported on a support (like bolster or block)?

This is an asana-specific question about half handstand: is it essential to maintain the feet position (on the wall), and the hand position (on the floor) to maintain the perfect ‘L’ shape?

This is an asana-specific question about half handstand: how to use a yoga strap/belt to stay up longer in half handstand?

This is an asana-specific question about half handstand: In half handstand, is the weight on the hands (on the floor), or on the feet (on the wall) , and what happens if the hand position cannot be maintained?

This is a generic question about lifting arms overhead or arching back:  What should I do about strain in the neck shoulder/ upper back area when I lift my arms up overhead (urdhva hasta) or when I arch back??

Another question about lifting arms overhead or taking arms back:  what adjustments should I make if face pain/ discomfort in my neck and upper back when I lift my arms up in urdhva hastasana/urdhva baddha angulyasana, or when I take my arms behind my back in paschima baddha angulyasana?

This is a generic question about lifting arms overhead: how should I use my arms and shoulder blades when i lift the arms up (urdhva hasta)?

This is a generic question about correcting flat feet/ dropped arches

This is a asana-specific question: without the belt/ Strap, why am I not able to straighten my leg in supta padangusthasana I

This is a generic question: My calves become hard and bulge-up whenever I straighten my legs (in seated or standing positions). This creates discomfort and sometimes pain behind the knee. Do I have hyper-extension/ over-extension of the knee? and how do I get relief from this discomfort?

This is a generic question: Why and how do you use ropes/ belts behind the knee when we completely flex (bend) the knee?

This is a generic question: what should be done for tight calves?

This is a generic question: what is the correct alignment of the front (pubis) and the back (sacrum/ tailbone) for good standing posture?  Also, how should I practice asanas to improve my standing posture?

This is a generic question: In the ‘Restorative’ asana positions, should I be completely relaxed, or should I keep my muscles engaged?

This is a generic question: why are we asked to keep our eyes open in asanas, but asked to close the eyes in savasana?

This is a generic question: You have sometimes used the term ‘Neutralising an action.’  what does it mean?  when is it needed – after forward or backward extensions?  what happens if we dont do it?

This is a generic question: I feel an imbalance between my two sides in supine positions – one side of my body feels heavy and sinks down more than the other side

This is a generic question: How do i start using the breath in my yoga practice?

This is a generic question: Can the ‘breath’ help in healing (specifically with respect to abdominal distress like bloating, cramping etc.)?

The respiratory system gets effected during Covid.  Pranayama has to do with breath.  Is pranayama good for Covid recovery?

What is the understanding of Prana in Iyengar yoga? does Prana mean breath? what is the role of pranayama in respiratory illness?

I heard you use the phrase, ‘bring intelligence to the breath’ – what does it mean?  Is there a gradational understanding of the breath in Iyengar yoga?  Why is pranayama not introduced right away at the very beginning in Iyengar yoga?

This is a generic question: is it a good idea to come directly to asana class after playing a sport?

This is a generic question: are yogasanas compatible with other forms of exercise like gymming?

This is a generic question: why is meditation not taught in the Beginner Level Courses in the Iyengar system?