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Restful Seated Position – Leg Position #2 – Legs Folded Back (FREE Resource)

A short video tutorial of a seated position that can be done after extending forward and resting. (pl look at the other video for this).  This second leg position with the legs bent and feet pointing back naturally encourages the body to go forward more easily, and thus feels more restful.  This is also a better position for those who have sensitive back.  Folding the legs and turning the feet back might be difficult for peple with knee or ankle limitations, but the supports shown here can work around a lot of such problems

Do not be misled by the relative simplicity of these positions - they are extremely effective.

This is a short excerpt from a full length class from our Respiratory Health Short Courses:

Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate).

Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)

FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.

Tag words: adho mukha virasana covid prone proning props respiratory health supported back bends yoga for covid