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Course Level: Experienced Beginner

Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner)

1,197.00 for 1 month

we start the first 2 sessions with a more generic segment that senstises/ activates/ warms-up the focus area – the thoracic area comprising the front, back and the sides.  The first 2 session also have detailed instructions of the positions and the prop arrangement.  The third session has minimal instructions and has long-ish holds.  We recommend that you go through the sessions in the order in which they are listed under

Part1: Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part1: Standing Asanas and Basic Proning

Supplementary resource for Part 1 (FREE): Prone Position Tutorial: adhomukha virasana – Supported and Elevated

Part2: Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part2 for Beginners: Arms/ Shoulder Actions and Inversions

Part3: Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part3 for Beginners: Putting it all Together

Tag words: adho mukha svanasana adho mukha virasana breath covid dwi pada viparita dandasana favorite inversions lungs prasarita padottanasana prone prone savasana proning props purvottanasana respiratory health respiratory illness supported seated supports therapy viparita karani yoga for covid

Included in this course

All the sessions of this Short Course are meant for ‘learning’.   If you are already in a state of  mild respiratory discomfort, or in the reocvery stage of a respiratory illness, or for a practice that is suitable for beginners/ newcomers, work with the many short tutorials in the FREE Resources section of the Portal Respiratory Health (Short Course; suitable for newcomers) (FREE Resource)

Since this Short Course is designed to make sense even to relative beginners, we start the first 2 sessions with a more generic segment that senstises/ activates/ warms-up the focus area – the thoracic area comprising the front, back and the sides.  Indeed, for a healthy practitioner, it is important to appreciate, that ALL asanas have the potential to help us in a variety of ways, and a balanced practice will strengthen ALL systems within us.  In any case the moe specific and therapeutic aspects of asanas practice are through modifications and adaptations of the basic asanas.   Therefore, for a healthy practitioner, it is important to learn the basic asanas, and be familiar with them, so they can quickly learn how to adapt them in case of any ailments or life conditions.  The first 2 session have detailed instructions of the positions and the prop arrangement.  The third session has minimal instructins and has long-ish holds.  We recommend that you go through the sessions in the order in which they are listed under.

For a practice specific to Covid 19 recovery, look at the Short Courses Covid-19 Recovery: A suggested yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee (Course Level: Exp Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle)