Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health, Part3 for Intermediate: Putting it all Together
Putting together the last 2 sessions, this last session of the Short Course is done with minimal instructions and long-ish holds.
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 120mins
Props needed: the sessions in this Short Course are all supported, and therefore, prop-intensive. Household objects like chairs, firm blankets, cushions may be used.
This session is part if the Short Course Learning the Practice for Respiratory Health (Short Course; Level: Intermediate).
Tag words: 120mins adho mukha svanasana adho mukha virasana breath covid halasana inversions lungs prasarita padottanasana prone prone savasana proning props purvottanasana respiratory health respiratory illness supported seated supports therapy viparita dandasana viparita karani yoga for covid
If you do not already have a practice of independent inversions, this is not a suitable session to be done if one is in a debilitated state. All the sessions of this Short Course are meant for ‘learning’ – can be done when one is in good health to get an understanding of the principles. Respiratory illnesses can be of various types and intensities. During the acute phase of the illness, rest is important and asana practice should not cause further exhaustion. Start with the simplest prone and seated positions during the recovery phase, and gradually build up the practice as strength is re-gained.
For a practice that is suitable for beginners/ newcomers, work with the many short tutorials in the FREE Resources section of the Portal Respiratory Health (Short Course; suitable for newcomers) (FREE Resource)