Knee Health: Creating ‘Space’ at the Joint
The subjective experience of 'Space' at the knee joint. Creating and maintaining that space in extended and flexed leg positions to protect the cartilage and ligaments.
Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle
Duration: 90 min;
Props needed: couple of yoga blocks, a few firm blankets, a couple of yoga straps or any long piece of cloth, a sturdy chair
This recording is part of the following Short Courses:
Short Course #1 for Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course; level: Intermediate)
Short Course #1 for Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course; level: Experienced Beginner)
Short Course #1 for Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course; level: Gentle)
Tag words: 90mins arthritis baddhakonasana calf calves hamstrings knee health knee injury knee therapy knees salamba sarvangasana I seated asanas sports standing asanas upavistha konasana utthita hasta padangusthasana II
Many of these actions are supported. For those recovering from knee injuries, these are safe, and in fact recommended to do in the recovery stage. However, use discretion to keep away from some of the actions in case of painful or inflammed knees. Also use discretion in approaching the fully flexed positions like virasana