A Quiet Practice to Pacify Acidic Stomach
Acid reflux, and the associated symptoms of heartburn, occur as a result of the acidic digestive secretions in the stomach making their way into our food pipe (oesophagus). This session looks at the principles of adapting our Asana practice to deal with acid-reflux.
This recording is part of the Short Course The Practice for Digestive Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Levels: All levels
Duration: 90 mins.
Props needed: this is a prop-intensive session! Chair, bolsters, blankets, blocks, belts, and access to a wall will be required
Tag words: abdominal health acid reflux adho mukha svanasana back arches baddhakonasana belts blankets blood pressure bolsters cervical health cervical spondylosis chairs deskjob deskworker hot weather jetlag marichyasana I purvottanasana Recovery from illness setu bandha sarvangasana sports Upper Back health
Acid reflux, and the associated symptoms of heartburn, occur as a result of the acidic digestive secretions in the stomach making their way into our food pipe (oesophagus). Frequent occurrences of this back-flow can give rise to the disease condition GER (Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease), which have multiple long-term symptoms effecting our quality of life. This session looks at the principles of adapting our Asana practice to deal with acid-reflux.
- This session assumes that the practitioner has some experience with asana practice
- Though supported, most of these positions are adaptations of back arches. Practitioners with back weakness or sensitivity are advised caution
- Asana is only one of the tool to deal with any medical condition, and advise of your health care provider should be sought in any medical condition. In this particular case, diet and other lifestyle changes are important.