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Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle, Intermediate

Practice Suitable for Back Pain (without Detailed Instructions)

299.00 for 1 month

This is meant to be a follow-along session. We recommend that you practice first with the following extended version of this session with demonstrations before attempting this session:
Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with Detailed Instructions)

Each of the positions shown in this session should bring relief to the back when one settles down in the positions.

Level: All levels

Duration: 45mins

Props used: this is a prop-intensive session - a few blankets, a couple of sturdy chairs/ low tables, a yoga strap, access to a wall.

This recording is part of the Short Course Asana understanding for a healthy back”.


Tag words: 45mins back back care back health back pain props supported therapy

Each of the positions shown in this session should bring relief to the back when one settles down in the positions.  None of these positions should aggravate/increase discomfort in the back.  If this happens, release the position, and move on to the next one.  Feel free to stay a little longer in those positions where the back feels good.  Maintain even, soft breath throughout.

Some of the positions show options of assistance from a helper.  This is not essential, but certainly helpful