Practice for the Days of Menstruation/ Menstrual Practice Pt I (Experienced Beginners)
This first part of the recorded session includes detailed instructions demonstration for: supported standing asanas, supta padangusthasana II, and seated arm extensions.
This session is part of the Short Course Practice for the Days of Menstruation (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner). We strongly recommend practicing with all the sessions in the Short Course for a complete practice.
In addition, the Short Course Principles of Womens' Practice is also recommended for understanding the principles of asana practice that women are advised to follow throughout the month for optimum functioning of reproductive organs, and hormonal health.
Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle
Duration: 40 mins.
Props needed: this is prop-intensive session. A couple bolsters (or an equivalent stack of firm blankets) two blocks, a belt, a sturdy chair/ table/ bed, access to a wall, will be required.
Tag words: 40mins ardha chandrasana calm menstrual health menstrual practice prasarita padottanasana props Stress supported standing asanas supports supta padangusthasana II uttanasana utthita hasta padangusthasana II womens health womens practice
The menstrual practice, when done regularly during the days of menstruation, over a period of time, helps address the most commonly seen distressful symptoms of menstruation, such as abdominal cramps, back ache, bloating, headache, uneven digestion, and mood swings. It also forms the basis for deeper and more detailed therapeutic work that is required to address conditions of menstrual dysfunction such as PCOS, endometriosis, and fibroids.
– Women during menstruation are advised not to practice abdominal actions, twists, strong back arches, jumping, or any other tiring asanas
– these recordings have been divided into 2 parts only for the sake of convenience – to keep the recordings to a manageable length, for practitioners who might not be used to a long practice. However, once familiar with the sequence, the asanas in part I and in part II should be done in continuation (as in the follow-along recording)