Simple Menstrual Asana Practice to Control Period Discomforts Part 2: Detailed (FREE Resource)
In this recording, we look at the simplified asana practice sequence in detail, with instructions, demonstrations, and adaptations
This recording is part of the Short Course Simple Asana Practice for the Days of Menstruation (FREE Resource)
FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.
Duration: 64 mins.
Level: All levels, suitable for newcomers with no experience of asana practice
Tag words: menstrual discomfort menstrual health menstrual practice womens health womens practice
Asana practice has a special place throughout the reproductive cycle of a woman – from the onset of puberty, through pregnancy, post-partum, and menopause. A practice that is in sync with the hormonal cycle, adds a rich dimension to the practice of asanas, and over a period of time, can alleviate many of the discomforts associated with the monthly periods.
The asanas that we practice in this sequence:
1. Adho mukha virasana
2. Upavistha konasana
3. Baddha konasana
4. Prasarita padottanasana
5. Supta padangusthasana II
6. Supta baddhakonasana/ supta swastikasana
7. Bharadwajasana twisting seated on chair
8. Paschimottanasana/ janu sirsasana/ adho mukha swastikasana
9 Savasana
If you are experienced asana practitoner, you can do a richer and more potent practice! We recommend for you the following short courses from our library:
- the Short Course Principles of Womens’ Practice for understanding the principles of asana practice that women are advised to follow throughout the month for optimum functioning of reproductive organs, and hormonal health.
- the Short Course Practice for the Days of Menstruation (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner) OR Short Course Practice for the Days of Menstruation (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)