Charging the Abdominal ‘Core’ through Standing Twisting Asanas

An active practice of standing asanas, with several leg variations, to connect to the abdominal area.  This is also a recommended session on a cold day to warm yourself up, or to do it on a day that you are feeling dull, or to use it to re-start your practice after a break. Level: Experienced […]

Garudasana, Gomukhasana: Nourishing Actions for Arms and Legs

In this session we spend sufficient time on the intricate arm and leg positions of garudasana and gomukhasana. When we combine these two Asanas with other standing Asanas, we also experience the lightness in the limbs. Level: Experienced Beginners Duration: 60min Props: minimal props are required in this session.  Firm blankets that can be folded […]

Preparing for a Gentle Back Arches Practice: Hips, Knees, Ankles

In addition to supports, the other aspect that determines the safety and efficacy of back arches is adequate and appropriate preparation.  In this session, the hips, knees and ankles are prepared.  While being good back arches preparation, the actions are beneficial also for maintaining the health of these joints. Can be done as a stand-alone […]

Hip Health: Flexibility, Firmness, Dynamism

Stiff/ ‘tight’ hips, are connected to lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc. To maintain the overall health of the hips, it is important to include many kinds of hip actions in our practice.  Asanas like baddhakonasana and supta baddhakonsasana, upavistakonasana and padmasana, are often referred […]

Fresh Look at Standing Asanas as Preparation for Back Arches

A novel approach to practicing standing asanas, as we prepare the arms, legs, and the spine for back arches, through a combination of seated and standing asanas. This session is part of the Short Course Intermediate Level Back Arches: Supported and Unsupported. Save by buying the entire Course. Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props […]

Supported Back Arches: Ekapada Viparita Dandasana on Chair

A long-ish hold in supported eka pada vipartia dandasana, after preparing the back for this position. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75min Props needed: a yoga chair, a long strap This recording is part of the Short Course Intermediate Level Back Arches: Supported and Unsupported (Short Course; Level: intermediate)

Deep Dive into Viparita Dandasana with a Chair: Supported Back Arches

Setting up, getting, and getting out of viparita dandasana, using a chair. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 45min Props needed: a yoga chair, a low table, a few cushions/ blankets/ bolsters to support the back of the head in viparatia dandasana This recording is part of the Short Course Intermediate Level Back Arches: Supported and […]

Overview of Back Arches

Often the neck gets strained in backward extensions, as the head is taken back. This series of sessions focusses on initiating the action from the dorsal thoracic area, as well as preparing the neck for the backward tilt. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75min Props needed: a yoga strap, couple of blocks, access to a wall This […]

Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core

There are only a few classical asanas in this session, but there are a lot of fun and interesting movements where we explore the challenges of moving the limbs away from the abdominal ‘core’ without disturbing this area. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props required: the only specialised props required is a block, […]