The Muscle Conversation: Listening and Responding to Subtle Cues

When we try to exercise a part of the body (or the breath or mind) we are necessarily trying to control or regulate that part.  An asana, on the other hand, is a two-way process, where one is constantly engaged in interaction with the body (or breath or mind).  We don’t just try to regulate, […]

Preparing Upper Body to Penetrate to Breath

This session starts with activating the dorsal thoracic area and then uses this area to initiate breath actions. Level: Intermediate/ Gentle Duration: 60min Props required: Belt, access to a wall,  firm blankets that can be folded to form a support for the back

Beginner Back Arches Part1: Strengthening Arms, Shoulders and Legs to Prepare for Back Arches

Preparing the arms and shoulder leading to virabhadrasana I (connecting arms and shoulders to the hip and the lower limbs) This can be done as a stand-alone session, but we recommend following this up with the session Beginner Back Arches Practice Part 2: Urdhvamukha svanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner Duration: 60min Props needed: […]

Upper Back, Shoulders and Neck Relief/ Preparing for Back Arches

A multi-utility session: shoulder/ upper back/ neck focus for  – for sportspeople, deskworkers, those who experience stiffness in these areas, and those preparing for inverted asanas like Sirsasana. Recommended to be followed by the session Upper Back, Shoulders and Neck Relief for Deskworkers/ Beginner Level Back Arches Level: Experienced Beginner Duration: 60 mins. Props needed: […]

Gentle Exploration of Back Arches: Purvottanasana and Ustrasana

This session prepares the arms and shoulder leading to the back arches purvottanasana and ustrasana, with options for doing these asana with supports. Level: Gentle Duration: 90min Props needed: Bolster, blankets, a couple of yoga blocks, a sturdy chair, a yoga strap