Abdominal Engagement and a Healthy Back (Level Gentle)

Exploring the role of the abdominal area in maintaining healthy back. Duration: 60min Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginner Props required: a bolster or stack of blankets, chair, blocks, and access to wall This recording is part of the Short Course Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than ‘Core’ (Level – Gentle)  

The ‘Eka Pada’ of Back Arches: Focus on Mobility and Strengthening before Extending

The simultaneous flexion and extension at the hip junction is a characteristic of the eka pada (one leg) action.  In this session, we look at how this action works in combination with back arching positions/ backbends Duration: 75min; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Props needed: a sturdy chair, yoga strap, a couple of firm blankets This […]

Purvottanasana and Viparita Dandasana: from Independent to Supported

This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In this session, we look at […]

Viparita Dandasana and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: from Independent to Supported

This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In this second session of this […]

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani: from Independent to Supported

This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In the 3rd session of this […]

Viparita Karani, Halasana, Upavistha Konasana: Independent and Supported

This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In the 4th session of this […]

Cross Bolster Magic: a Follow-along Finale

This is the finale of the magic we have been making with two bolsters – stringing together the supported back arches and inversions from the previous sessions for a deeply restorative class.  This session goes directly into the asanas supported by the two bolsters, without too many instructions.  We strongly recommend that you work with […]

Arms for Effortless Inversions (Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance)

In this session we explore and increase the range of motion of the arm in the shoulder joint to lift up to adhomukha vrksasana, pinca mayurasana, sirsasana and sarvangasana Level –  Intermediate Duration – 85 min session. Props needed: blocks, chair and blankets/ bolster to set up chair sarvangasana This session is part of the […]

Supporting the Back through Arm and Leg Actions – A Gentle, Supported Practice

A series of quiet asanas in seated, standing, and supine positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk.  We focus on broadening/ spreading actions at the lower limbs (legs), and the upper limbs (arms).  This activates the upper and the lower back, while ensuring there is no narrowing/ pinching Although this can […]