Active Practice on a Hot Day

A hot day can make us feel lethargic and dull.  At the same time, physical activity can leave us feeling exhausted.  This session gives some ideas about how to do an energising practice on a hot day – employing some strategies like use of supports, selecting asanas that open the pelvic area, resting the head, […]

Strengthening Legs for a Healthy Back: Beyond Walking, Beyond Stretching

In this session, we isolate and address a vary large group of muscles that has immense potential to increase the strength of our legs – the hamstrings.  These are crucial also in maintaining a healthy back.  This session uses supports to hold asanas for longer duration, giving chance to the hamstrings to passively lengthen, instead […]

Knee Health: Further Diagnostics, and Ways to Improve Knee Health through Asanas

More ways to diagnose health of knees, and using asanas to strengthen knees while preventing knee pain  This can be done as a stand-alone session, but we recommend attempting the session Knee Health: Simple Adjustments to in Asana Practice to Improve Knee Health before trying this session. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Gentle Duration: 60min Props […]

Breath Experience with Soft Groins

The last session in this Short Course, is an audio-video hybrid session. The first 20 mins of this session explains the asana positions that are then used for breath exploration in the subsequent 40 mins.  The asana positions and the supports have been selected so that they either emphasize or encourage softening at the groins. […]

Relief from Abdominal Heaviness after Feasting (Level Intermediate)

A sequence to relieve abdominal heaviness/sluggishness, this is a mix of active and passive positions. level: Intermediate Duration: 60 min Props needed: yoga strap, yoga chair, stack of firmly folded blankets, bolster This recording is part of the Short Course Short Course #1 for Abdomen: More than ‘Core’ (Level – Intermediate)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani: from Independent to Supported

This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In the 3rd session of this […]

Viparita Karani, Halasana, Upavistha Konasana: Independent and Supported

This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In the 4th session of this […]

Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches & Inversions Using Two Bolsters: The Cross Bolster Magic (Short Course; level: Intermediate)

This Short Course leads from active back arches and inversions, to deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters’. Prop-supported position are a boon to people with limitations, and preferable in certain conditions even for otherwise physically able people. But to […]