Long Holds in Supported Positions

Holding an asana for a long period of time lets the effect of the asana ‘seep’ in. Supported positions that make possible long holds are one of the boons of the methodology developed by shri BKS Iyengar. They calm the nervous system, and are conducive for a meditative and breath-centric practice. This sequences is also […]
Exploration of Breath in Different Supported Asana Positions

The concept of the Prana is difficult to understand and even more difficult to explain. What can be said with certainty is that: the breath can be used as a starting point to understand the rhythm of the Prana, and that Asanas are like a laboratory that provide opportunities for breath to be express naturally […]
Hip Stiffness: Deep Dive into Baddhakonasana

Stiff/ ‘tight’ hips, are connected to lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc. To maintain the overall health of the hips, it is important to include many kinds of hip actions in our practice. Asanas like baddhakonasana and supta baddhakonsasana, upavistakonasana and padmasana, are often referred […]
Deskworkers Antidote – Part 2 for Intermediate Level: Firmness and Weight Bearing on Legs and Shoulders

This session is part of a series of classes to strengthen the legs, align the hips, keep the groin area (the hip flexors) soft, and move the shoulders and upper back – in other words, an antidote to sitting on chairs for long hours. Not just deskworkers, but anyone engaged in any sporting activity that […]
Using Asanas to Prepare for a Pranayama

A supported but energetic practice is used to prepare for experience of the breath in supported back arches
Experience of Breath in the Head and Face Areas

This is an audio/ video hybrid session. The first part is an active asana segment to stabilise the body, and the mind. In the second half of the session, we practice breath awareness with the head and the face region in focus. Level: Intermediate Duration: 60 min. Props needed: a sturdy chair, a strap, a […]
Breath Experience with Soft Groins

The last session in this Short Course, is an audio-video hybrid session. The first 20 mins of this session explains the asana positions that are then used for breath exploration in the subsequent 40 mins. The asana positions and the supports have been selected so that they either emphasize or encourage softening at the groins. […]
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Inversions, Restful Asanas and Pranayama

Long stays in restful/ quiet asanas, a regular practice of inverted (upside down) asanas, and a gradual introduction to the powerful practices of pranayama, are characteristics of Iyengar Yoga. Here, we look at how the chair can be used in a variety of ways, especially in combination with other props like blankets, bolsters and belts, […]
Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than ‘Core’ (Level – Gentle) Incl. FREE Session on Breath Experience in the Abdomen

The role of the abdominal area in asana and pranayama practice is much more varied, complex, and interesting, than it is in the more conventional physical exercises. This area is rich with musculature, organs, nerve plexi, and the more esoteric control centres. It is recognised not just a ‘structural’ component whose musculature needs to be […]
Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than ‘Core’ (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner)

The role of the abdominal area in asana and pranayama practice is much more varied, complex, and interesting, than it is in the more conventional physical exercises. This area is rich with musculature, organs, nerve plexi, and the more esoteric control centres. It is recognised not just a ‘structural’ component whose musculature needs to be […]