Spinal Relief for Deskworkers

In this session,  the back is activated and energised through hip and shoulder movements, in supine, standing and seated asanas. A good session to limber and loosen up the back body after a day sitting at a desk. Also suitable to restart practice after a break. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 45min.

Forward Extensions Overview – from Standing to Seated

In this session we start with mobilising the arms and legs and integrating the action of the limbs going towards restful seated forward extensions. Duration: 60min Level: Experienced Beginners Props required: yoga strap, a sturdy chair, access to a wall

Wrist and shoulders (Series, Beginner level)

Modern living with devices such as computers and mobile phones are not a natural way of living for us humans, yet we cannot live without them anymore. The use of these devices create imbalances and fatigue in the upper limbs that can lead to stressing the heart. The classes in this series are meant to […]

Simple and Energetic Shoulder Strengthening

Strengthening actions for the upper back and shoulders in an active and energetic session, using only a belt and a block. Level: Experienced Beginner/ Beginner Duration: 45min Props needed: one belt and a block

Beginner Back Arches Part1: Strengthening Arms, Shoulders and Legs to Prepare for Back Arches

Preparing the arms and shoulder leading to virabhadrasana I (connecting arms and shoulders to the hip and the lower limbs) This can be done as a stand-alone session, but we recommend following this up with the session Beginner Back Arches Practice Part 2: Urdhvamukha svanasana, Chatuspadasana, Purvottanasana Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner Duration: 60min Props needed: […]

Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core

There are only a few classical asanas in this session, but there are a lot of fun and interesting movements where we explore the challenges of moving the limbs away from the abdominal ‘core’ without disturbing this area. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props required: the only specialised props required is a block, […]

Hip Mobility through Thigh Rolling Out – Baddhakonasana Legs

Baddhakonasana and supta baddhakonasana hold a special place in asana vocabulary. It is an asana in itself, and also preparation for other asana that involve external rotation at the hips.  Supta baddhakonasana is a foundational position for restorative and therapeutic asanas, and an essential element in a woman’s practice This is a beginner-level introduction to […]

Introduction to Supta Baddhakonansana

Building up on the active work done in rolling the thighs out, we continue to one of the most accessible restorative positions: supta baddhakonasana, including the use of simple ‘props’ to support this position. This is one of the essential positions that women should know for reproductive health. Breath studies (progressing to pranayama) are often […]