A Full Range of Actions for Arms and Shoulders – Malasana to Chaturanga Dandasana
This session explores the arms and their connection to the shoulder region. First done in isolated arm actions, then integrated into standing asanas. We end with preparation for chaturanga dandasana. Chaturanga dandasana is a strengthening position, and also the beginning of back arches, Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 60min Props required: blocks and blankets are […]
Arms and Shoulder Connections in Anantasana, Vasisthasana – Alternatives for a Gentle Approach
Arms and their connection to the shoulders: This session may be used by experienced practitioners, but it also shows some supported adaptations for gentler versions of vasistasana and anantasana. There is a vinyasa sequence in the earlier part of the class. For a gentler practice, you may do this part with supports, or skip it […]
Relief for Wrists and Elbows from Mobile Phones, Laptops and other Electronic Gadget Use, Part 1
This session is mostly drills to bring relief to our abused wrists/elbows/shoulders, from over-use of electronic gadgets. These actions are good by themselves, and also good preparation for asanas where wrist/ elbow/shoulder strength is called for. Can be attempted by all levels. Those with any shoulder/ wrist weakness or general debility/ elderly people can choose […]
Strengthening Wrists and Preparing them for Weight Bearing Asanas (Short Course; Level Exp. Beginner)
Modern living with devices such as computers and mobile phones are not a natural way of living for us humans, yet we cannot live without them anymore. The use of these devices create imbalances and fatigue in the upper limbs that can lead to stressing the heart. The classes in this series are meant to […]
Recovery After a Road Trip: a Short-burst Follow-along Session
Bringing movement to spinal muscles, connecting the arms to back – a short session comprising standing asanas and back arches. It is meant to be a follow-along session. Level: Experienced beginners, Beginners Duration: 30min Props needed: yoga strap, couple of blocks (optional)
Beginner Level Back Arches: Salabhasana, Bhekasana, Ustrasana
This session starts with a preparatory segment to prepare the upper back, shoulder, arms and the neck, and then we practice a set of beginner-level back arches that should be accessible by most people. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 60min. Props required: yoga strap, access to a wall, blocks optional
Knee Care and Preparing Knees for Virasana/ Padmasana
Full flexion of the knee comes in asana positions like Virasana and Padmasana. These positions are also incorporated in supine restorative positions. In this session we do some preparatory work that is especially useful for people with restriction in the knees. Level: Experienced Beginners, Gentle, Intermediate Duration: 60min Props needed:or yoga rope or yoga strap, […]
Deep Dive: Seated Virasana
Virasana, and its extensions into supta virasana, are excellent conditioners of lower limbs – especially for runners, trekkers, walkers. Supta virasana is often used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions, and is also a preparation for back arches. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 50min Props required: a block, a few blankets, access to a […]
Extending Forwards and Backwards from Seated Virasana: Adhomukha and Supta Virasana
Virasana, and its extensions into supta virasana, are excellent conditioners of lower limbs. Supta virasana is often used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions, and is also a preparation for back arches. Difficulty in virasana can be due to limitation at the hip joint, length of the hamstrings, stiffness in the knee, shortness and […]
Extending from Virasana: Adhomukha and Supta Virasana Ending with Breath-work
In this session, we look at forward extension from virasana to adhomukha virasana, and a supine extension to supta virasana. The session ends with breath-work preparatory to pranayama. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 75mins Props required: this is a prop intensive-session. blankets and bolsters – or alternatives will be required. This session is part of […]