Strengthening Legs from Thighs to Ankles
Using different arrangement of props to isolate and strengthen different parts of the leg – from the thighs, to the ankles. This session uses a combination of fast, dynamic actions, and longer holds in supported positions
Exploration of Breath in Different Supported Asana Positions
The concept of the Prana is difficult to understand and even more difficult to explain. What can be said with certainty is that: the breath can be used as a starting point to understand the rhythm of the Prana, and that Asanas are like a laboratory that provide opportunities for breath to be express naturally […]
Upper Back Health through Forward Extensions
Often forward bends are contra-indicated in cases of back injury. The thoracic vertebrae of the upper back are the ones that are the stiffest for most people. In fact, it is this stiffness in the upper back that contributes to imbalance and pain that manifests in the lower back. In this session we use intermediate […]
Pranayama/ Breath-focussed class: Alternating Actions during Inhalation and Exhalation
Hip Stiffness: Deep Dive into Baddhakonasana
Stiff/ ‘tight’ hips, are connected to lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc. To maintain the overall health of the hips, it is important to include many kinds of hip actions in our practice. Asanas like baddhakonasana and supta baddhakonsasana, upavistakonasana and padmasana, are often referred […]
Shoulder and Upper Back Actions to Manage & Prevent Degenerative Conditions in the Neck/ Cervical Area (Cervical Spondylosis)
This session addresses the back – specifically the upper back/ shoulder blades/ shoulder area, which need to be strengthened and firmed so that the pain the neck/ cervical area does not manifest. The arms are used actively – in seated and supported standing asanas. Even if you do not have a degenerative condition of the […]
Handstand/ Full Arm balance/ Adhomukha vrksasana: Arms, Shoulders, and Wrists
Strengthening the arms is a worthwhile exercise by itself. From the perspective of asana practice, arms are the ‘handles’ to the spine. And of course, arms are essential to do various inversions and arm balancing positions. This session can be adapted to various degrees of experience and practice levels to make it appropriately challenging. Includes […]
A Quiet Practice with Focus on Legs
Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle Duration: 75 min Props needed: blocks, yoga belt, a sturdy chair, a couple of firm folded blankets
Sarvangasana – a Perspective for Beginners
Sarvangasana or the shoulderstand is considered to be a foundational inversion position. Sarva + anga literally means all parts/ organs, but while learning, it is easier to focus on specific actions or areas. This session introduce sarvangasana from the perspective of legs and hips. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 75 min. Props needed: blocks, yoga […]
Preparing for Backbends
Supported back arches interspersed with asanas to release the back in case of any strain. A good session to start building confidence with back arches, that provides ample opportunity for self-assessment, for doing, releasing, backing-off, and progressing. Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginner Duration: 90 min Props needed: 2 blocks, yoga strap, a sturdy chair, access to […]