Principles of Womens’ Practice: Working with a Soft Abdomen

In this session we explore one of the essential principles for efficacy of a woman’s practice: working with a soft abdominal area. This is the gentlest of the three sessions in the series. This session is part of the Short Course The Principles of Women’s Practice (Short Course; Level Intermediate) and the Short Course The […]

Hip Health: Flexibility, Firmness, Dynamism

Stiff/ ‘tight’ hips, are connected to lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc. To maintain the overall health of the hips, it is important to include many kinds of hip actions in our practice.  Asanas like baddhakonasana and supta baddhakonsasana, upavistakonasana and padmasana, are often referred […]

Exploring the Classic Back Arching asana: Urdhva Dhanurasana

Backward extensions are regarded as an ‘advanced’ category of asanas – requiring suppleness and strength in the muscles of the back, and good integration of the arms and the legs with the trunk.  After preparing through simpler supported back arches, this session focusses on various ways of attempting urdhva dhanurasana. Level: Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. […]

Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Forward Extensions and Twists

Forward extensions and twisting actions can feel inaccessible and cause back discomfort for those who are stiff.  In both cases, using the chair provides better access to these asanas. Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle Duration: 70 mins. Props needed: Chair, bolster, blanket, blocks, access to a wall

Principles of Womens’ Practice: Alignment of Abdomen and Low Back

In this session we explore the essential principles for efficacy of a woman’s practice: alignment of the abdominal area (in the front of the body), with the lower end of the spine (at the back of the body). This session is part of the Short Course The Principles of Women’s Practice (Short Course; Level Intermediate) […]

Breath in asanas

This session is an experience in body and breath coordination. Duration: 75 mins. Tag words: 75 mins, trikonasana, uttanasana, prasarita pada uttanasana, ardha chandrasana, supta padangustasana

A Quiet Practice to Pacify Acidic Stomach

Acid reflux, and the associated symptoms of heartburn, occur as a result of the acidic digestive secretions in the stomach making their way into our food pipe (oesophagus).  This session looks at the principles of adapting our Asana practice to deal with acid-reflux. This recording is part of the Short Course The Practice for Digestive […]