Eka Pada Actions: Preparing for Hanumanasana (Short Course; level: Experienced beginners)

The ‘Eka Pada’ action: literally, meaning One (Eka) Leg (Pada) appear in many asanas – from the basic to the advanced.  At its simplest, it might just involve holding one leg steady while moving the other  (as in supta padangusthasana or utthita hasta padangusthasana).  In its more complex forms it involves the two legs scissoring away from […]

Eka Pada Actions: Preparing for Hanumanasana (Short Course; level: Intermediate)

The ‘Eka Pada’ action: literally, meaning One (Eka) Leg (Pada) appear in many asanas – from the basic to the advanced.  At its simplest, it might just involve holding one leg steady while moving the other  (as in supta padangusthasana or utthita hasta padangusthasana).  In its more complex forms it involves the two legs scissoring away from […]

The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; level: Gentle)

A detailed exploration of the five classical seated forward extensions –  janu sirsasana, triangamukha ekapada paschimottanasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasna, and marichyasana I, and paschimottanasana.  These are not the most complex of the forward extensions, but taken together, they are fabulous in exploring different hip, leg, ankle, spine movements, with their differing effects on he […]

The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Intermediate)

A detailed exploration of the five classical seated forward extensions –  janu sirsasana, triangamukha ekapada paschimottanasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasna, and marichyasana I, and paschimottanasana.  These are not the most complex of the forward extensions, but taken together, they are fabulous in exploring different hip, leg, ankle, spine movements, with their differing effects on he […]

Seated Forward Extensions: Supported Positions for a Quiet Practice

In this final session of the Short Course on seated forward extensions, we practice these asanas with support.  Such a practice is emotionally quietening, cooling (and therefore recommended for hot days), can relieve headaches, and is part of the practice for high blood pressure, and womens’ menstrual practice.  The use of supports makes especially makes […]

Seated Forward Extensions: Enriching Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana is given a special place in the category of seated forward extensions.  Inspite of the simplicity of its shape, this is a very potent asana.  its alternate names brahmacaryasana and ugrasana testify to the power inherent in this asana.  In this session, we learn to appreciate how the other forward extensions enrich paschimottanasana. Level: […]

The ‘Eka Pada’ of Back Arches

Eka pada (lit. one-leg)actions teach us to observe and balance two perspective – seemingly opposites of each other. In this session we explore the front and back legs scissoring away from each other as it plays out in back arches. Duration: 90 mins. Level: Intermediate Props needed: a stack of firm blankets or a bolster, […]

Preparing for a Gentle Back Arches Practice: Hips, Knees, Ankles

In addition to supports, the other aspect that determines the safety and efficacy of back arches is adequate and appropriate preparation.  In this session, the hips, knees and ankles are prepared.  While being good back arches preparation, the actions are beneficial also for maintaining the health of these joints. Can be done as a stand-alone […]