Practice Suitable for Back Pain (without Detailed Instructions)
This is meant to be a follow-along session. We recommend that you practice first with the following extended version of this session with demonstrations before attempting this session: Practice Suitable for Back Pain (with Detailed Instructions) Each of the positions shown in this session should bring relief to the back when one settles down in […]
An Interesting Journey Towards Forward Extensions
Preparing for forward extensions through novel and interesting arm and leg actions. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 60mins Props needed: a sturdy chair, yoga blocks, access to a wall This recording is part of the Short Course Active Preparation Culminating in Quiet Seated Forward Extensions (Short Course; Level: Intermediate).
The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginners)
A detailed exploration of the five classical seated forward extensions – janu sirsasana, triangamukha ekapada paschimottanasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasna, and marichyasana I, and paschimottanasana. These are not the most complex of the forward extensions, but taken together, they are fabulous in exploring different hip, leg, ankle, spine movements, with their differing effects on he […]
Back Arches & Forward Extensions, Culminating in Viparita Karani
This session looks at the fulcrum-like position of the sacrum in back arches and forward extensions: are they opposites of each other, mirrors to each other, or parts of the same continuum? Explore the beautiful relationship playing out in our body, culminating in supported and deeply restful viparita karani. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 90mins […]
Inversions – Supported Quietness Part I
Supported inversions (upside down asanas) are an integral part of many therapeutic practices – for hormonal balance, addressing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, immunity, improving digestion, women’s health etc. In these 2 sessions, we practice supported inversions for ease and quietness. But before that, we consider how inversions are not just feet-up and head-down positions, […]
Eka Pada Actions: Culminating the Leap towards Hanumanasana
Eka pada (lit. one-leg)actions teach us to observe and balance two perspective – seemingly opposites of each other. In this session we explore the front and back legs scissoring away from each other as it plays out in back arches. Duration: 85 mins. Level: Intermediate Props needed: a stack of firm blankets or a bolster, […]
Brisk and Supported – A Gentle Way to Practice Back Arches
A brisk and energetic session of supported back arches. Can be done by itself, but we recommend this after th preparation (of the previous session in this Short Course. Can be done as a stand-alone session, we recommend doing the session Preparing for a Gentle Back Arches Practice: Hips, Knees, Ankles as a preparation. Level: […]
Inversions – Supported Quietness Part II
Supported inversions (upside down asanas) are an integral part of many therapeutic practices – for hormonal balance, addressing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, immunity, improving digestion, women’s health etc. In these 2 sessions, we practice supported inversions for ease and quietness. But before that, we consider how inversions are not just feet-up and head-down positions, […]
Asana Practice for Extreme Fatigue (FREE Resource)
Unlike most other recordings on this portal, this is a real-time (minimal edits), follow-along session with almost no instructions. I am sharing a practice that I have personally found very useful. Please note, that this is not a prescriptive sequence. This is also not a beginner-level practice. If you want to learn the asanas in this […]
Exploring Principles of Flexibility through Sama Konasana Preparation Part I
Sama konasana (full sideways splits) is one the popular icons of flexibility. The obvious focus of this session is to prepare for sama konasana, or to improve upavistha konasana. But the broader focus is to explore the concept of ‘improving flexibility’: the role of strengthening along with stretching, the importance of working on all the […]