Arms for Effortless Inversions (Headstand, Shoulderstand and Elbow Balance)

In this session we explore and increase the range of motion of the arm in the shoulder joint to lift up to adhomukha vrksasana, pinca mayurasana, sirsasana and sarvangasana Level –  Intermediate Duration – 85 min session. Props needed: blocks, chair and blankets/ bolster to set up chair sarvangasana This session is part of the […]

Knee Alignment: Explanations and Experiences

Basic concepts in knee alignment, how to diagnose imbalances, and to take simple corrective measures. Level: Beginner, Experienced beginners, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 90 mins; Props needed: a yoga strap, a belt, a sturdy chair This recording is part of the following Short Courses: Short Course #1 for Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course; level: […]

Knee Health: Creating ‘Space’ at the Joint

The subjective experience of ‘Space’ at the knee joint. Creating and maintaining that space in extended and flexed leg positions to protect the cartilage and ligaments. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 90 min; Props needed: couple of yoga blocks, a few firm blankets, a couple of yoga straps or any long piece of cloth, a […]

Progressive Weight Bearing, Flexion and Rotation for Resilient Knees

Care and the discretion are advised when dealing with an injured and weak knee. But the knee (like all other joints) will ultimately benefit from learning to bear weight, and learning to negotiate weight transfer in a dynamic manner. This last session in this Short Course takes the next step into dynamic weight transfer into […]

Short Course #1 for Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course; level: Intermediate)

This Short Course on Knee awareness neatly breaks down the information packets: alignment, creating space, activating the surrounding tissue: thighs, hips and calves, dynamic weight shifts, progressive loading of the knee, going beyond flexion and extension to internal and external rotations This structure makes it easier to understand the breadth of actions in which the […]

Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than ‘Core’ (Level – Intermediate) Incl. FREE Session on Breath Experience in the Abdomens

The role of the abdominal area in asana and pranayama practice is much more varied, complex, and interesting, than it is in the more conventional physical exercises.  This area is rich with  musculature, organs, nerve plexi, and the more esoteric control centres.  It is recognised not just a ‘structural’ component whose musculature needs to be kept toned, but […]

Abdomen Use in Asana – Experience of the Breath (FREE Recording)

Experiencing the breath in the abdomen Duration: 45min; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle This FREE recording is part of the following Short Courses: Short Course #1 for Abdomen: More than ‘Core’ (Level – Intermediate) and, Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than ‘Core’ (Level – Gentle) FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and […]