Padmasana Preparation, Akarna dhanurasana

399.00 for 1 month

Preparing for padmasana: ‘warming’ the important joints and increasing movement at the hips, groins and knees.

we recommend doing this session in combination with Padmasana Preparation: Knee Flexion in Different Positions

or with Padmasana Preparation, Akunchan Kriya in Supta Padangusthasana

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, hips, groins, knees, favorite, padmasana, supta padangusthasana 2, upavistakonasana, akarna dhanurasana, 

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The padmasana leg position is of significance both as a recommended posture of meditation, as well as the interesting ways in which combines the actions of the various muscles and joints of the legs.

However, padmasana is a demanding action for the hip joint and the knees.  Especially with our modern lifestyles where we seldom sit on the floor, and spend a lot of time seated on chairs, it is a good idea to approach this position with caution.  But there are many ways to prepare our hips and knees for this position.  This is an interesting journey in itself even for those who might never be able to do and maintain a comfortable padmasana.

This session starts with conditioning actions for the elbows.  The next segment of dynamically done standing asanas.  This  ‘warming’ of the hips, groins and the knees is a necessary precursor  for the last segment which is preparation for padmasana, including a supported variation of akarna dhanurasana