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Course Level: Experienced Beginner

Virabhadrasana1: The Twist and the Backarch in the Standing Asana

399.00 for 1 month

In this session, we start with twists, rise up into urdhva dhanurasana, dip down into parsvottanasana, and then lift back up into virabhadrasana I.

Level – Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration – 60min

This recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Deep Dive - Virabhadrasana I (Short Course, Level - Experienced Beginner)and,

Deep Dive - Virabhadrasana I (Short Course; Level - Intermediate)

Tag words: 60mins arms back arches backbends legs parsvottanasana shoulder health shoulder stiffness shoulders standing asana twists urdhva mukha svanasana virabhadrasana I

Virabhadrasana I is a foundational standing asana.  When its first taught, it strengthens the legs, and extends the arms and shoulders.

When we re-visit virabhadrasana I later in our learning path, we can realise that it has embedded in it elements of twisting action, back arching, and even forward extension.  In this session, we explore how twists and back arches make the standing richer.