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Course Level: Experienced Beginner

Deep Dive – Virabhadrasana I (Short Course, Level – Experienced Beginner)

1,496.00 for 1 month

A beginner level asana, but one that might take a while to master.  Virabhadrasana I is introduced as a standing asana.  It has components of forward and backward extension, and even twists.  It requires collaborative effort of arms, legs, shoulders, back and hips.  If any of these parts are not performing optimally, it shows up in the asana most commonly as strain on the knees, back or shoulders, or an overly arched back. Explore some interesting variations and progressions of virabhadrasana I in this set of classes.

Part1: Firmness and Confidence in the Legs to Proceed Further

Part 2: The Twist and the Backarch in the Standing Asana

Part3: The Wings of Virabhadrasana1: Role of the Arms

Part4: Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to Twists and Abdominals – Parivrtta parsvakonasana


Virabhadrasana1 – Firmness and Confidence in the Legs to Proceed Further

Meant for a beginner level student who has attempted this Virabhadrasana 1 a few times, and is ready to look at the moving parts of this layered position.

Level –  Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Duration – 40min

Part1 of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner) Save by buying the entire Course.

Tagwords: 40min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, Parsvottanasana, Vimanasana, Virabhadrasana1

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Virabhadrasana1: The Twist and the Backarch in the Standing Asana

This session is a combination of standing asanas done dynamically, twisting actions, and back arches.

Level –  Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration – 60min

Part of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner)and Deep Dive: Virabhadrasana1 (Short Course, Intermediate).  save by buying the entire Course

Tagwords: 60min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, back archtwist, Utkatasana, Parsvottanasana, Urdhvamukha svanasana, Virabhadrasana1

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The Wings of Virabhadrasana1: Role of the Arms

The arms can make Virabhadrasana1 feel light, or heavy; broad or tall, dull or energising.  In the teaching methodology, Virabhadrasana1 is preceded by Vimanasana – a similar position with a different arm configuration.  To save our energy for the arm-work, we start with activating the legs in supine positions, work with the arms in isolation, and then integrate arm variations into Virabhadrasana1 

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration – 60min

Part of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner)and Deep Dive: Virabhadrasana1 (Short Course, Intermediate).  save by buying the entire Course

Tagwords: 60min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, seated, favorite, Vimanasana, Utkatasana, Virabhadrasana1

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Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to Twists and Abdominals - Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Progressions from Virabhadrasana1 to abdominal actions and standing twists

Level – Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration – 60min

Part of the Series Deep Dive: Virabhadrasna1 (Short Course, Experienced Beginner)  save by buying the entire Course

Tagwords: 60min, shoulder, shoulders, arms, legs, standing, Virabhadrasana1

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Tag words: abdominals arm health arms back arches backbends favorite legs parivrtta parsva konasana parsva konasana parsvottanasana shoulder health shoulders standing asanas twists urdhva mukha svanasana utkatasana vimanasana virabhadrasana I

Included in this course