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Course Level: All Levels

Wrists and Elbows: Healing and Therapeutic (Short Course; All Levels)

1,197.00 for 1 month

We recorded the ‘Elbows and Wrist Therapy’ series in response to a request for simple and short sessions that will start to heal and strengthen these joints.  Unlike our regular asana classes, the the actions in these sessions have been broken down to focus only on the shoulder/ elbow/ wrist areas, with very few actual asanas.

Health of elbow and wrists is definitely required to proceed towards the more complex back arches, arm balances and inversions.  But in general, intensive use of electronic gadgets often cause chronic stress in these areas.  Anyone who has such chronic/ repetitive stress injuries should benefit from these sessions.

Some things to keep in mind If you do have identified weakness in your wrists and elbows:

  • The root of both the wrists and elbows is the shoulder.  You will notice that these sessions include shoulder work as well
  • When done consistently over weeks and months, you will notice a significant improvement. But consistency is the key
  • For the first time, we recommend doing these sessions in the order in which they are numbered.  You will notice that in these sessisons, we circle between the shoulder, elbow and wrist.  we have done this to avoid fatiguing the tissues, and also to keep some variety.  For your own practice, you can take the shoulder actions, elbow actions or wrists actions separately, and make up your own sequence based on your priority.  But remember that the three areas are linked, and it is important to work on all three areas.

In three parts: Part 1, Part II and Part III

Tag words: carpal tunnel drills elbow health elbow hyperextensions elbows golf elbow tennis elbow therapy wrist health wrist pain wrists

Included in this course