About Course
The sessions in this Short Course are based on asana-inspired shoulder actions. Each session is programmed like a ‘shoulder circuit’: in the first part of the session, a set of actions are done slowly with detailed explanations, and in the next part, they are repeated at a faster pace (and if you wish to do a little more, you may repeat the circuit again). This session has the simplest of the shoulder actions, and it also details a few practices that will be repeated in th subsequent sessions of this Short Course. Good preparation for the rest of the sessions – but also good to be done just by itself. Also look at ‘Simple Actions – Part I’. For a comprehensive understanding of the subject, we recommend that you work with all the sessions of this Short Course.
Duration: 50 mins.
Level: All Levels
Props needed: a yoga strap or long piece of any cloth, a yoga block, any chair, access to a wall, 2-3 blankets/ cushions for resting at the end of the session.
Course Content
Shoulder Medley: Simple Actions Part II
Shoulder Medley: Simple Actions Part II